It is through the grace and power of Jesus that lives are changed. Thank you for being a part of His ministry at CrossPointe Church—your obedience makes a difference.

Having been through several freedom ministries over the years, I could still see two or three areas that I knew needed to be dealt with again. This ministry gave me the time I needed to take authority over these areas in my life again. Tim was a great teacher and was so transparent with his own struggles,  which created an environment that encouraged you to be transparent with yourself.”

I've been to three other freedom ministry classes/conferences (all at Gateway in Dallas). I knew God could use this to teach me things but I wasn't prepared for the amount of freedom He wanted to give me. I wasn't even aware of how much unforgiveness and hurt I had still been holding onto. Walked away from this class free, when I walked into not even knowing how much freedom I needed.”


“Thank you again, Pastor Tim, for another wonderful Freedom class, Freedom Forward. Learning more about the unseen realm, tools for healing our souls, and daily practices to bring us closer to God is exactly what I needed.”

“As I learn more and walk closer with my Lord I have a peace, and a power. I cherish and protect my time of study and devotion in the morning. I am working to really open myself up to him in prayer. Sometimes that's scary because it's so raw.”

“Learning the importance of Fasting, I haven’t ever fasted before but I’m going to start.”

I also wanted to share why I chose to get baptized since my nerves got the best of me yesterday. The night of March 29th the enemy had me convinced that my life no longer severed a purpose. I was in a very dark place & felt hopeless, even though I know God is Hope. I was going to end my life that night but then God happened. As I sat on my bathroom floor, sobbing, holding a brand new razor blade, I heard God’s voice say “Hold On.” I then looked down at my wrist where I have my children’s signature tattoos that say “I love you”, I immediately dropped the razor. Since that night, I have been asked to be apart of the children’s ministry, I have been told that I am such a joyful door greeter, I have watched new life be born, chased down three rainbows, celebrated my mom’s birthday, laughed so hard I cried with my sister (Shawn), picked strawberries & feed animals with my granddaughter, watched God work miracles in my marriage & spent all day with my son (Jayden) splatter painting, spraying silly string, blowing bubbles & cracking confetti eggs. I chose to get baptized because I am ready for new seasons, I wanted this past season that I have been in to be completely washed off of me & I know it was. Here’s to new beginnings!! 

— Susan Kohlhaas

For as long as I can remember I’ve been consumed by anxious beliefs of not yet being where I’m supposed to be. As if there has always been somewhere else, something else, a job, a home, a stage in life. An elusive next step that was better and would finally be THE answer. This resulted in fearful perfectionism and consuming doubt of whether or not I was on the right path to get there. These feelings were then balanced by a depressive low because I wasn’t “there”, I was only here. A self-hatred voice would remind me of all the things I had done and reasons why I deserved to be so unhappy. In fact, my biggest fear was that there was no answer. I would forever be caught in this void space emotionally and mentally where nothing would provide peace and I would never experience contentment - no matter how my life looked from the outside.

 And now here I am today. Grounded in my reality and present in the moment. Committed to where I am and moving from a voice of inner guidance - no longer a “what if” fear. Overflowing patience for what is and an open allowance for whatever is meant to be. I am filled with trust and a knowing that all is happening for me, and best of all, it’s not for me to figure out. I am grateful every day for the internal shifts I have experienced over the last 5 years of spiritual embodiment and know without a doubt that this new way of being has only been made possible through the workings of God. I have been transformed and the darkness that kept me separated, doubting, self-loathing, unable to experience peace, always questioning and wanting for a place outside of my here and now- has been released. 

— Baylee Yanker